Programa de Criação De Mercados Cripto da WhiteBIT

Taxas baixas e abatimentos para criadores de mercados. Todas as ferramentas e apoio que precisa para o ajudarem a negociar mais eficientemente.

    $2B Volume diário de negociações à vista

    506 Pares à vista

    $5B Volume diário de negociações de futuros

    138 Pares de futuros

Programa de Criação De Mercados Cripto da WhiteBIT

Os termos mais favoráveis

Obtenha abatimentos e descontos baseados no seu volume de criador na plataforma WhiteBIT dos últimos 30 dias.

Taxas à vista


Taxa mais baixa do criador


Taxa mais baixa do tomador

Taxas de futuros


Taxa mais baixa do criador


Taxa mais baixa do tomador

Uma base sólida para negociação profissional

A WhiteBIT fornece uma solução completa para satisfazer todas as necessidades de criadores de mercados e negociadores institucionais.

A chegar num futuro próximo


Obtenha acesso direto à corretora e negocie mais depressa com a taxa de latência mais baixa.



Crie subcontas para obter um acompanhamento melhorado do desempenho dos seus ativos.

API flexível

API flexível

Estão disponíveis, através de API, todo o tipo de ordens de negociação e transações.

Apoio VIP

Apoio VIP

Os negociantes institucionais recebem apoio pessoal 24 horas por dia, através de mensagens de texto.

Informe-nos acerca das suas necessidades de negócio

Preencha o formulário abaixo para falar com um dos nossos especialistas em cripto


Answers to the most popular questions are just a click away

Where Are Your Servers Located?

Our servers are located in Europe. They provide low-latency connections for efficient trading with strict data protection to safeguard sensitive financial data and ensure regulatory compliance.

What Trading Fees Do You Charge?

Trading fees on WhiteBIT do not exceed 0.1%. Our crypto market-making program is volume-oriented, and the fees can go as low as -0.01% for makers and -0.02% for takers for spot trading, as well as -0.01% for makers and -0.025% for takers for futures. By holding our native exchange’s coin, WBT, maker fees can be reduced by up to 100% and taker fees by up to 90%. Our VIP program also provides trading fee discounts. VIP customers may benefit from rebates of up to -0.001% for makers and as low as 0.03% fees for takers.

What Functionality is Available Through Your Api? Is It Possible to Access Data and More?

WhiteBIT API offers private and public endpoints and complies with the OAuth 2.0 standard for secure data access. It allows crypto exchange market makers to deposit and withdraw funds, transfer funds between balances, check wallet balance and history, use WhiteBIT Codes, perform order management, see order history, and convert funds. Our API empowers you to seamlessly integrate and leverage our platform's tools on your website, enhancing convenience and business capabilities.

How Many Registered Users Are on Your Platform, and Where Are They Based?

We have over 4M users spread across 4 continents: European Union (EU) – 60%; Asia – 22%; South America – 15%; Africa – 2%; Other – 1%.

What Is Crypto Market Making?

Crypto market-making is a trading strategy in which a trader or a crypto market-making company continuously places buy and sell orders for a specific cryptocurrency pair. Market making in crypto ensures market liquidity and facilitates smoother trade execution for other traders, reducing the likelihood of significant price fluctuations (slippage).

How Does Crypto Market Making Work?

Crypto market makers are traders or firms acting as intermediaries, continuously placing buy and sell orders for specific cryptocurrencies on a market-making platform. They profit from the spread, which is the difference between buying and selling prices. At the same time, market makers help maintain liquidity and reduce price volatility in the market. This process typically relies on automated algorithms that adjust orders based on market conditions to ensure a balanced supply and demand for the cryptocurrency.

What Are the Benefits of Crypto Market Making, Particularly on Your Platform?

WhiteBIT Market Maker Program offers significant fee discounts depending on their trading volume -0.01% for makers and -0.02% for takers on the spot, and -0.01% for makers and -0.025% for takers on the futures market. While market maker in cryptocurrency benefits from capturing the spread between buy and sell orders, users have lower trading costs and a smoother trading process.

How Does Crypto Market Making Differ from Traditional Market Making?

Cryptocurrency market making involves digital assets, operates 24/7, and relies heavily on advanced technology and automation due to the crypto markets' volatile nature. On the other hand, traditional markets have greater maturity, deeper liquidity, and fixed trading hours. Counterparties in the crypto market making can range from retail traders to institutional investors, while conventional market makers typically interact with established financial institutions like brokers.

Are There Any Risks Associated With Crypto Market Making Services?

There are several risks associated with crypto market-making services, such as: 1. Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile, posing a risk of sudden and substantial price swings that can lead to losses. 2. Low or fragmented liquidity makes executing trades at desired prices difficult. 3. Evolving and varying crypto regulations can introduce uncertainty and compliance challenges. 4. Intense competition may lead to tighter spreads and reduced trading profitability for a cryptocurrency market maker.